3D Farm is a business that specializes in the mass production of 3D prints. In 3D farms, many 3D printers operate at once, boosting the output rates of the created objects. In the past few years, 3D printing has become more popular because it cuts out steps that take a lot of time and money.
Let’s see how these farms operate.
The majority of 3D farms offer an online platform where customers can submit 3D models and get an immediate price for the items they want. Users will have to choose criteria like the material, infill percentage, and additive manufacturing technique. Then, based on the order’s specifications, the 3D farms complete it using different printers.
It’s important to note that most 3D printing factories have a variety of setups for different materials. The most popular ones are rigid or flexible plastics, but some also provide metallic materials like titanium, steel, aluminum, and Inconel.
Orders are delivered to application engineers for assignment of processing parameters in accordance with client requirements and the procedure chosen once they are received.To use as much of the build space as possible, the engineer will also place the component on a build plate together with other customer parts; in the case of SLS, they can even stack parts vertically.
Once the order is processed, the component will go through several post-processing steps, such as support structure removal for FDM prints or chemical surface smoothing for SLS prints. SLS components may also be colored to provide a range of colors. PolyJet printing may also be utilized to create full-color items if more colors are necessary. Further post-processing can include the addition of metal screw inserts to improve the product’s functionality. The finished product may be dispatched to the buyer when all post-processing is finished. Parts may be mailed out in as little as 2-3 business days, from start to finish.
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