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According to a latest report by Stack Overflow, Python emerged as one of the most popular language and is growing 27% Year on Year. Over the past couple of years, Python became the go to programming language for building applications, machine learning and data sciences. However, the most common question in many minds is that despite many programming languages why Python emerged as one of the most preferred programming language by Programmers.

The answer behind is that simplicity. Unlike other programming languages like C++ or Java, there’s less complex syntax to navigate or compiling issues to resolve. Python uses English keywords, and as a result is simple, readable, and maintainable. The backend of modern applications are developed in multiple programming languages and Python can be easily integrated with other programming languages as it supports both supports functional and structure programming, as well as Object Oriented Programing (OOP). Furthemore, there are open source libraries, frameworks and expert community make any problem a temporary one.

Python Programming Lanugage is considered as Swiss Knife by the developers as it supports data analysis, web applications, gaming and automation to name a few. Many organizations switched their backend infrastructure to Python or even migrated lot of codes to Python. Some of the tech giants including NetFlix, Instagram, YouTube, Dropbox, Spotify and Reddit are powered by Python. YouTube suggested videos, trending videos, NetFlix Suggested shows and thumbnails and even Instagram powerful search are powered by Python.

If you are a Job Seeker, than investing in learning Python is one of the best investment as there is a huge shortage of professionals with good experience in building applications through Python and if you a tech entrepreneur than mastering Python will help you in building scable applications and organizations.

In today’s time, Python is a must have skill on the resume and we at CETMATRIX introduce various courses in Python Programming from different bodies.

Our Python Language Programming from eCornell is designed for the professionals interested in IVY League certification while our Self Paced learning course is exclusive for the people who are interested in mastering a new skill set at their own convienent time. 

If you need any help on Python Programming, you can reach us on +918106494510 or mail to info@cetmatrix.com